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A. ASME Executive Officers


The president is responsible for the organization and successful operation of the student section. President should also consult regularly with the faculty advisor to ensure a smooth turnover, continuation of activities and programs.  The president is responsible for presenting ideas and proposing directions for the chapter.  This is accomplished by producing a calendar of events for each academic semester. The president  is also responsible for coordinating the activities of the executive board to ensure implementation of all internal and external tasks.  The president also designates committees and appoints all committee chairpersons subject to approval of the Executive Board.  Finally, the president is responsible for ensuring that ASME elections are advertised to members and is held during the second month of the spring semester.

Vice President

 The Vice president is responsible for presiding over Executive Board meetings and other appropriate functions in the absence of the president.  He/she is also responsible for chairing the Extended Board--committee chairpersons--and presenting periodic reports to the president.  The vice president's most important job is to preside over the Membership Development Committee to ensure that their duties to recruit new members is an ongoing process.  The vice president also obtains and reviews the monthly ASME member list. He/she also identifies the last class sections where membership drive efforts need to be intensified.


 The secretary is responsible for maintaining the records of the student section. This includes keeping a record of all meetings, trips, tours, and business transactions made by the student section.  He/she is also responsible for ensuring that the preliminary reports are forwarded on time to the ASME regional office.  The secretary is also responsible for documenting all flyers and other promotional effects that were used by the student section.  He/she also checks the ASME mailbox #20 located in the NAC Information desk.  The secretary also takes minutes during the Executive Board and General meetings.  The secretary is also responsible for registering the organization with the Day Student Government (DSG) and the Finley Student Center EVERY semester.  This task is very IMPORTANT as our section would not be official had it not been registered.


 The treasurer is responsible for maintaining the monetary accounts of the student section.  He/she consults with the retiring treasurer to ensure that records are in good order and that the financial report is up-to-date.  He/she is also responsible for paying all bills authorized by the President and Faculty Advisor.  The treasurer is also responsible for keeping records of the funds for our activities obtained from the Day Student Government (DSG), Auxiliary Coordinating Committee (ACC) and Auxiliary Enterprises Coordinating Committee (AEC).  He is also responsible for ensuring that proposals are sent out to the various funding sources.  He/she supervises the Fundraising and Proposal Committee and ensures that they are actively seeking funding.

B. Committee Chairs

Membership Development Committee

 Shall bring the advantages of the student membership to the attention of all eligible candidates for admission.  This includes holding membership drives in the Engineering Hall Lobby and/or visiting classes to recruit members.  Participate in the School of Engineering Pre-College Open House in conjunction with the undergraduate office of student programs or any other program set forth by the School of Engineering.

Publicity Committee

 Shall device methods for the advertisement of each meeting, tours, and plant visits. This includes creating the flyers for the above mentioned events and posting at locations.  Other duties include increasing ASME awareness through radio / print media announcements.

Fundraising and Proposal Committee

 Shall device methods of obtaining funding for the student section. This includes writing proposals for donations from companies, soliciting funds from alumni and organizing fund raising events.

Field Trips and Speakers Committee

 Shall arrange plans for tours and plant visits.  This includes establishing contact with the tour/plant visit sites and ensuring the execution the trip by taking the attendance of the tour participants and setting up the necessary arrangement such as chartering bus and re-confirming with the tour sites personnel of our intended visits.

Community Service Committee

 Shall plan and execute activities related closely to community benefit such as: old clothing and coat drive during winter season, blood drive, volunteer work, etc.


 Shall issue periodic information regarding activities of the student section in City Vector--our chapter newsletter.  Collect and edit articles from contributing students to be
put in the Newsletter.  Ensure that the Newsletter is being issued on time and that all the necessary information and announcements about the organizations be included in the newsletter.


 Shall maintain and update the organization's web site.  Keep track of the inputs and suggestion for improving the home page.  Work closely with the Publicity Committee in announcing all of the organization's activities ahead of time on the homepage.

Scholarship, Internship and Job Info

Shall distribute information regarding any scholarship, internship and job information to fellow ASME members through our mailing list and website.

Created: Mar 21, 1999
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