MDSolids MDSolids is an educational supplement
for students taking an introductory course in solid mechanics.
This course is commonly called either Mechanics of Materials.
Strength of Materials, or Mechanics of Deformable Solids. MDSolids
was a winner of the 1998 Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering
Education Courseware.http://msumusik.mursuky.edu/mdsolids
TEST Thermodyanamics and Energy Systems Design
F-chart Software
http://www.fchart.com/fchart.htm |
Industry.net Demos and Shareware For Various Courses
Please Email Webmaster with specific recommendations from
this site. http://www.industry.net |
CALFLO Heat Transfer Fluids Heat Transfer
www.calflo.com/eng/index.html |
Educational Software for Heat and Mass Transfer
Sigmasoft Corp. Calculus