Am Soc of Mech Eng/Wm J & Mary Jane E Adams Jr Schlrs

Am Soc of Mech Eng/Wm J & Mary Jane E Adams Jr Schlrs

Type of scholarship: Organizational
Deadline: 5/31
Maximum Value: $1,000
Number of awards: 1

Awards are available for: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

Description: Annual award for a student who is a member of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS attending a college in an ASME Region IX (California, Hawaii, and Nevada) pursuing a career in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Student must be a U.S. citizen. Contact ASME National Headquarters or Region IX (119-C Paul Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903-2022, phone #s 415/499-1148 or 800/624-9002), for more information and/or application. Title: American Society of Mechanical Engineers/William J. & Mary Jane E. Adams, Jr. Scholarship

Contact Information:
Scholarship Coordinator
ASME Foundation
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017-2392
(212) 705-7234